About Linked Sources

The purpose of this site is to provide examples of the use of Semantic Web technologies and Linked Data principles for data from historical sources.

The first example is a set of tables from the Dutch Censuses (1830-1930). Most of these tables are about the population by age, civil status and sex for the entire country and usually also for the provinces. The second example is a table from the database of Statistics Netherlands (CBS StatLine). This table is also about the population by age, civil status and sex, but only for the entire country (1950-2021). And the third example is based on the first two and provides a cohort analysis for a number of aspects: population by year of birth, age and sex, male/female ratio by year of birth and age, and survival rate by year of birth, age and sex. Be aware: the titles and labels for the tables from the Censuses are in Dutch, and in some cases also in French.

The metadata section describes the catalogs, the datasets and the data structure definitions of the datasets. And the vocabularies section describes the vocabularies used in the different examples.